Hallway wallpaper

Hallway wallpaper is the best way to give a stunning first impression of your home and yourself to your guests. If you plan to wallpaper entryway and have a board and batten wall that you would like to turn into board and batten accent wall or if you are searching for wallpaper for stairway then we have the foyer wallpaper for you!

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About collection

Hallway wallpaper is the best way to give a stunning first impression of your home and yourself to your guests. If you plan to wallpaper entryway and have a board and batten wall that you would like to turn into board and batten accent wall or if you are searching for wallpaper for stairway then we have the foyer wallpaper for you!
Wallpapering hallway is a great way to set the mood for your guests, as hallways with wallpaper can give a fantastic first impression of your home and personality! Our selection of entryway wallpaper, mud room wallpaper and wallpaper for foyer provides options not only for home entrance wall design but also for wallpaper for the stairs and wallpaper for entryway in offices and other commercial interiors too.
Considering the board and batten trend, for more board and batten wall ideas make sure to visit our blog - all about board and batten with wallpaper, as it has all the board and batten interior ideas and board and batten wallpaper options not only for wallpaper foyer but for decorating your entire home.
We also have rounded up our favourite wallpapered stairway ideas in one blog post - all about wallpaper for stairway too, in case you are looking for a fresh wallpaper for stairwell ideas for your home makeover as wallpapered staircase is another great way to wow your guests!
If however our selection of wallpaper for hallways didn't carry the design you were looking for for your next entryway wall paper refresh, make sure to check our other wallpaper and wall mural as sometimes you might just find the right hallway wallpaper ideas in the most unexpected ways!