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Can You Paint Wallpaper?

Posted by Paula Smidrina on

can you paint on self adhesive wallpaper tips and tricks
When you purchase a new home, it can be an exciting prospect to redecorate and make the space your own. However, wallpaper that has been on for years can act as an obstacle during this process. It is important that you are considering all of your options when it comes to redecorating, and that you know what you are getting yourself into. Covering wallpaper with paint can seem unusual at first, but there are many reasons why you may want to use this approach. This is a look into how you would go about painting wallpaper, and why it could be necessary.

Why Paint Wallpaper?

Firstly, you might be wondering why you would paint your wallpaper. It is a slightly unique approach to decorating that can be used to save the wall underneath. If you cannot remove the wallpaper easily, then it is more likely that it is fine to paint over. Wallpaper is notoriously difficult to work with, thanks to older homes that have decades worth of different wallpaper patterns layered one on top of the other. The task can easily multiply in terms of how long it will take and the amount of effort required.
Similarly, wallpaper paste can be incredibly sticky and difficult to fully remove. The residual adhesive can be a challenge, and even lead to damaging the wall itself. This is because it can be incredibly sticky and difficult to completely remove. If you want to clear the wall and create a blank canvas for your decoration, then the fastest option could be to simply paint over the wallpaper. It can be more convenient and straightforward for you to do so, especially if you need to remove the wallpaper from a larger surface.
paint for wallpaper

Types Of Wallpaper

One of the key factors to take into consideration when deciding whether you should paint your wallpaper or not is what it has been made out of. If you are less familiar with the different kinds of wallpaper, it is worth asking somebody who has more experience for their opinions.
Fabric-backed vinyl is less appropriate to be painted over. Additionally, any wallpaper that is damaged or easy to remove with your hands should not be painted.

How To Paint Wallpaper

  • When it comes to painting over wallpaper, the key is to prepare the area correctly. This means carefully cleaning the walls using a sugar soap and a barely damp, clean cloth.
  • Allow plenty of time for the walls to dry, and make sure to avoid using too much water. This can cause the paste underneath the wallpaper to bubble and soften.
  • You will also need to repair any damage made in the wallpaper. There are different ways of doing this, depending on the type of wallpaper you want to paint on top of. Damaged sections can be repaired using wallpaper seam adhesive, or removed to be filled with spackle. As long as you are creating an even surface, it doesn’t particularly matter which method you choose.
    how to paint wallpaper tips and tricks
  • An oil-based primer is also recommended as the next step, regardless of the kind of paint you are using. Other types of primer, such as water-based, are likely to soak into the wallpaper and damage the painting surface.
  • Once the primer has been applied and left to set with plenty of ventilation, it is time to start painting. This is a relatively simple process that is similar to painting any other wall in your home.
  • Make sure that you are adding two or more coats of paint if you want to cover dark wallpaper with a lighter shade. Allowing time to dry between each coat allows you to see how visible the wallpaper pattern is underneath.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Paint Textured Wallpaper?

While you can technically paint over textured wallpaper, it will not have the same effect. Even if you add a coat of paint with appropriate priming, you will be able to see the textured pattern underneath. It will just be a different color. If you are determined to even out the texture of your wallpaper, it could be worth applying a thick layer of spackle onto the surface. This will create a smoother surface for you to apply paint. Some people have even gone so far as to sand the seams down so that it doesn’t look like their walls have wallpaper on at all.

Does Removing Wallpaper Damage Walls?

Not necessarily, newer homes that have been built within this century are far less likely to be damaged when you are removing wallpaper. If the wallpaper was applied incorrectly, or if it has been there for many decades, then there is a higher chance of damaging the walls underneath. This is due to the materials used, and the age of certain structural walls. Avoid stripping the wallpaper of your home if you aren’t sure how long ago it was constructed. You do not want to end up scraping away the wallpaper and the drywall underneath.

What Kind Of Paint Should I Use?
The type of paint used to paint over wallpaper is less important than the primer. Make sure you use a good quality oil-based primer on the walls that you want to paint. This is key for adding the paint in smooth coats. Latex paint tends to pair well with oil-based primer, so it could be worth giving this a try in the chosen color for your home.


paint wallpaper tips and tricks summary
Every home is different, which is why there are numerous routes that you can choose to go down in terms of decorating yours. Depending on how old your home is, and whether the walls are structurally sound, you can choose to paint over wallpaper or to remove it.
Consider how many layers there may be, and whether there is any texture to the wallpaper. Painting over wallpaper can be a great way of giving your home a new lease of life while adding your personal touches. It can save a great deal of time, too.


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